Because of it’s appearance, the ginger root may seem like a mysteriously difficult herb to grow. However, with a low amount of sunlight, this plant is pretty easy to grow. So, if you have indoor space or a shaded area to grow ginger, then this is one profitable herb you can harvest all year round.
There are many varieties of ginger. But today, we’ll talk about the most common edible type, Zingiber officinale which you can grow ginger from the actual root. When choosing, look for roots that are free of wrinkles and plump, with visible small points, preferably those that have started to turn green. It’s best to avoid ginger from the stores as they are sprayed with chemicals.
Preparing you for ginger root for planting
Firstly, cut the ginger into 2.5cm (minimum size) pieces using a sanitized knife or shears. Ensure that each piece has a small point called an eye that can grow into a separate plant. A piece with more than three eyes is more likely to sprout. Then, to allow the pieces to heal, leave them in a dry place about 20cm apart for a few days. What happens during this period is that, they form a protective callus over the cut surface, which helps reduce the risk of infection.

Planting your ginger
Ginger thrives in deep, enriched, sandy loam (well-draining) soil with a pH of between 6.1 and 6.5 pH. Temperature should also be 22–25ºC. Because ginger prefers areas with morning sun only (two to five hours of direct sunlight per day), away from large roots and swampy areas, you have to choose your planting area carefully. Click here to read about growing in crates.
Ginger plants and okra help each other and therefore are great for companion planting. Plant one ginger next to each okra seed/plant, on the opposite side of the sun.
Add well-rotted compost into your soil before planting. If you choose to plant and transplant, it’s important to note that transplanting period is very traumatic for the plant. This should happen once leaves and roots form.
Plant each piece of ginger 5–10 cm below loose soil, with the eyes pointing upward. And, if you’ll be planting in rows, keep each piece atleast 20 cm apart.
Growing your ginger
It’s important to keep the soil damp but not swampy. Very wet soil can cause your plants to rot. So, check the soil daily and water lightly just before it dries out completely. Ginger grows slowly. If you’re lucky, it can sprout in a few days if you’re lucky, but you have to keep watering for a few weeks before giving up on the plant. This watering technique should continue even after germination.
If your soil is mixed with well-rotten compost, you don’t have to fertilize. But to be on the safe side, you can have your soil tested. And, if it’s not rich, then you can fertilize monthly to increase yield. If you choose to grow in the months of June and July, then you’ll have to add a thick layer of mulch to keep the plants warm.
Harvesting ginger
The ginger plant might not flower the first year or two after planting. As soon as you see new shoots coming up to the side of the main plant, you can start harvesting young ginger. this is about 3–4 months after planting. However, allow the plant mature before harvesting. When it matures in the ground, it develops a much stronger flavor.
Let soil dry as the stems die back. The stems of the ginger plant will turn yellow. Reduce water as this happens, and stop watering entirely once the stems die. After the stems die, about 8 months after planting, dig up the whole pant, harvest the bulk of the roots and save a few for replanting.
Great article.
Thank you
Thank can I grow now in solwezi
Hi Sheila, Please read the article. It tells you the ideal temperatures to grow ginger.
I am growing my first ginger plant and found this article as I wondered when to harvest. Very helpful!
Thank you
What is the right period or month to grow to grow gigger?
However,I give credit to the developers of this article it’s really helpful and very informative. Thank you once again.
Hi Anthony, Thanks for stopping by. All conditions for growing ginger are available in the article
indeed the article is very informative.
I will definitely give ginger farming a try
thanks very much
I am looking for contact numbers of farmers who grow ginger in Lusaka
Hi Zelipa,
Apologies for the late response. Kindly post on the small scale farmers group on Facebook. You should be able to find farmers there.
What is the right period or month to plant gigger?
However,I give credit to the developers of this article it’s really helpful and very informative. Thank you once again.
I am interested in joining cooperative WhatsApp group if there is any. Please advise accordingly.
Thank you for the information on how to grow ginger.
l also want to grow ginger.
Very informative
Great information.
Great piece of of work. Thanks.
Please link me to a ginger growing group/cooperative. Am based in Lusaka
Thank you.
Hello….where can i find ginger seeds here in zambia
Which month is good for planting ginger and how
Many month does it take to mature
Very helpful. Been looking for such good information about growing ginger for sometime. Thanks to you I got on the right page.
I am able to supply garlic seedlings to small scale farmers.
I am based in Lusaka
Hi. Are your garlic seeding still available?
Best time to grow and do you make beds like garlic
Very good article, will definitely follow through and give progress report.
Which month is suitable for planting ginger in Zambia
Which is the best month to grow ginger. I am in North western part of Zambia
Thanx to the writer. I believe we now have this rich information. Its now time to practice and make money.
What is the best time to lant ginger and do you have to make beds like garlic
I’m interested in growing this herbal plant & this year Mark’s the beginning. M N kabanda
It is one of the most educative content. Thanks alot
North western farmers we are buying Ginger in small and big quantities for more information contact us on 0964129673
insightful article, thank you dear author!!