Blog, Crops

The Most Common Farming Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Farming is hard work, but let’s be real—it’s also full of moments that make you want to laugh, cry, or both. Farming mistakes happen, like planting your crops perfectly, only to realize you forgot to water them. Or thinking, “How bad can pests really be?” until your farm looks like a bug buffet.

Blog, Livestock

Why are my chickens not laying eggs?

What am I doing wrong? This is a question that every poultry farmer asks when their chickens are not laying enough eggs. If this is you, you’re probably looking for solutions right now. I feel your pain and hope this article helps you solve your production challenges.


Heat Stress in Chickens

It’s the hot season again! That time of the year when poultry farmers face challenges in managing their flocks. During this season there is a high mortality rate among chickens as a result of heat stress.


Lifespan of a hen

Chickens are one of the most common livestock. They are also among the farm animals with the shortest lifespan of all. A hen is an adult female chicken mostly known for its role in egg laying, hatching, and breeding. Because of this, farmers and poultry owners pay more attention to the well-being and life span… Read More Lifespan of a hen