Business Tips

Global Garlic Market Report 2018

Global garlic market revenue amounted to 29,251 million USD in 2015, picking up by +21.6% against the previous year level. Overall, global garlic market continues to indicate a perceptible growth: the market value increased at an average annual rate of +8.7% from 2007 to 2015.


Guide to Growing Tea

There are four main types of tea:  black tea, green tea, white tea and oolong tea (pronounced wu-long). The other varieties include scented, flavored and “herbal infusions.” What many people don’t know is that these four types of tea come from one plant, NOT four different species of plant. And, whilst there are many different… Read More Guide to Growing Tea

Crops, Lifestyle

Meet Moomba Thornicroft – A New Farmer on the Block

You’re about to start living a true farm life. You’ve probably already started pursuing your dream after work hours or on weekends. You can’t wait to grow entrepreneurial endeavor so it can sustain your family. While we’re glad you visit, we also want to bring you the  inspiration you need to keep going. Here’s… Read More Meet Moomba Thornicroft – A New Farmer on the Block


Growing Butternut Squash

Butternut is one of many different kinds of squash that produces small to medium pear-shaped fruit with deep orange flesh. This flesh is sweet but you can’t eat it raw. They belong to the cucurbit family and their plants have a vine-type habit and extensive root systems.


Why Are My Watermelons Rotting?

Most people don’t want to grow watermelons because of rot. Another common reason is the small watermelon fruits that usually fall off the plants instead of growing into the giant fruits. There are four main reasons the small fruits fall off.